How Wood Fibre substrates make your life easier
In this article we have a look at one of our raw materials; Wood Fibre. The material comes from renewable European sources and brings great things to you through our wood fibre substrates.
Wood Fibre of the best quality
Our Wood Fibre is a renewable material produced from pure hardwood material. We only use the pure log wood from spruce trees to create the Wood Fibre that’s used in our Kekkilä Professional products. As a result our substrates are free of lumps and impurities.
Although Wood Fibre has been used in growing media since the start of this century, not all Wood Fibre is of good quality. Impure Wood Fibre (for example made of leftover wood) can even cause serious issues when used in growing media. Because this low-quality wood decomposes rather quickly, while in the substrate, it uses up nutrients that are intended for the plants. It can even cause the release of toxic compounds harming the crops.
Because of our our production process and quality standards growers don’t need to worry about these issues. Our Wood Fibre is uniform, high-quality material. It is steam treated to make it entirely safe and clean and it’s RHP certified.
How substrates with our wood fibre make your life easier
Peat-based substrates with Wood Fibre generally perform even better than mixtures without Wood Fibre. Adding Wood Fibre creates the following benefits:
- Increased airiness
- Added stability thanks to the strong fibre structure
- Reduced shrinkage after potting
- Top-layer in pot dries up more quickly, preventing issues like mold or algae
- More easy re-wetting because of a more even water distribution and drainage, even if the substrate accidentally gets too dry it does not get hydrophobic
- Better and faster rooting creating stronger plants
Our Wood Fibre is produced in several different sizes. This means we can create coarse and less coarse mixtures with these excellent capabilities. This way we can perfectly fit the needs of you crops. Have a look at our Kekkilä FLOW product portfolio to see all different mixtures for ornamental plants containing Wood Fibre.